
Kickstart your IT career today with our IT training courses.

Are you looking to start a career in IT? Baseontech can help you get started with our comprehensive IT training courses

Skill up to stand out

Available Courses

We offer courses on a variety of IT field, including:

Web Design

Learn how to build websites and web applications.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Frontend Design

Data science

Learn how to collect, analyze, and interpret data

  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Data Mining
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Data Visualization
  • and more...

UI/UX Design

Learn how to create user-friendly interfaces for websites and apps.

  • Strategy and content
  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Execution and analytics
  • and more...

Digital Marketing

Learn how to use online channels to reach and engage with potential customers.

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • and more...

Why Baseontech

You enjoy these benefits among others when you Signup today!

Expert Instructors:

Learn from industry professionals with real-world experience.

Expert Instructors

Learn from industry professionals with real-world experience.

 Hands-On Learning

Gain practical skills through projects and assignments.

 Hands-On Learning

Gain practical skills through projects and assignments.

Flexible Schedule

Fit learning into your busy life with our flexible course options.

Flexible Schedule

Fit learning into your busy life with our flexible course options.


Join a vibrant community of like-minded learners and professionals.


Join a vibrant community of like-minded learners and professionals.

Personalized Support

Our personalized trainers are available to support and ensure your success throughout your learning journey.

Personalized Support

Our personalized trainers are available to support and ensure your success throughout your learning journey.

Additional Details:

To ensure effective learning for the young audience, the course will employ various pedagogical techniques such as interactive presentations, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and practical projects. The language used throughout the course will be English. The instructor will provide clear explanations and use visual aids to make the content easily understandable.

The course duration will be approximately 8 weeks if conducted thrice a week, with each session lasting around 3 hours Furthermore, regular assessments and quizzes will be conducted to gauge the progress of learners and provide feedback on their understanding.

Your success is our success, and at Baseontech, we’re committed to helping you achieve your goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. Sign up today and embark on a journey of growth, discovery, and achievement.

Ready to take the first step?  enroll in your desired course today on our site. Your future self will thank you! 



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We provide cutting-edge Website services, Design & software solutions for your business goals.


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